Queen Guan Min (an East Asian bodhisattva commonly known as Guanyin, the Goddess of Mercy) is on her thousand-petal lotus throne, surrounded by sixteen kind constellations. With authority, she stands on the world’s axis and turns it, clockwise, towards becoming kinder.
O, exceeding mercy! How it is needed by those dying in hospices and the seven billion who are starving and suffering, and reach out! Thus, those born of earth yearn all the more for the Honoured Mother…
O, the bliss of Guan Min! O, her extreme kindness, accepted as the ideal!
Her one and a half thousand other names take second place. The one which remains is the Mother who is Limitless Kindness. She is so generous that she gives herself to the very last. You only need to glance at her and she will pour herself into the depths of the underworld, filling voids, the vacuums of black holes, caves inhabited by vampires and ghosts, of which, alas, there are many in decrepit mankind…
There is extreme evil within humanity: endless wars, atomic warheads, hatred, persecution, falsehood, oppression, and so on… Mankind is infinitely evil. Venomous reptiles and wild, bloodthirsty beasts are not capable of such cruelty and evil…